Thursday, April 22, 2010

Day out on the Long Walk, and a flat tyre (April 17)

Everything started out as planned.  We packed a lunch and our gear in the stroller, and took off down the long walk for a trip to Runnymede.  It was to be a beautiful Saturday walk of about 9-10 miles with a break for lunch part-way, but alas, it was not to be....

We made it about 1.5 miles into the journey when I realized that the stroller was pulling to the right and becoming harder to push.  I looked down and saw a nice, shiny tack protruding from the tire (or 'tyre' as they call it on this side of the puddle).

We pulled over and decided to have an early lunch, rest a bit, and explore a corner of the Long Walk which we had never explored before :)

The stop was quite pleasant, but we still had to make it home with 3 tired kids, a bunch of gear and a stroller with only one good rear tire.  Fortunately, Daddy figured out how to lash the stroller tire onto one of the boys scooters (think of it as a tow-truck for a stroller :)  ), and we were able to hobble home.

Gladly, the view was beautiful on the return!

Once at home, we visited the bike shop around the corner, and purchased a tire patching kit, which (after helping to fix the issue at hand) is now a permanent piece of equipment in the diaper bag!

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