Sunday, April 04, 2010

Happy Easter Everyone!

He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!!
It was wonderful celebrating Easter with Nanny and Granddad Spead. We had a full English Breakfast, and then attended the service at All Saints Church in Windsor before they caught their taxi to the airport.

We tried to take a family Easter picture before they left, but it didn't quite go as planned. This picture is about the best one that was snapped:

Blythe absolutely loved wearing her Easter dress which was a gift from Nanna Light.

After Nanny and Granddad left, Daddy hid the Easter Eggs in the back garden, and the kids really enjoyed finding them.

It really was a wonderful day which we thoroughly enjoyed spending together, celebrating the resurrection of our Savior.
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1 comment:

The_Wilsons said...

You have a beautiful family. Jen, love the long hair. Gorgeous. I am trying to grow mine out too!