Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Guards of Windsor Castle (April 15)

Here are the retiring guards, who were just replaced by a fresh platoon.

There go the guards, out of the castle!

Here is Flat Josh in front of the Round Tower in the middle of Windsor Castle. This was, originally, the safest place to be in the castle if it was being attacked! You can see how it is built high up on a hill, with a dry moat all around the base that is a beautiful garden these days. Next to Josh is a new friend he met, a royal knight jumping jack (just made by Josh's friend John, who is holding up Flat Josh).

Ah yes, a visit to the castle is not complete without getting your picture taken with a guard!

Flat Josh, Flat Josh, where have you been? I've been to Windsor to look at the Queen!

The Spead family really enjoyed their visitor, Flat Josh, and they are glad he came to stay with them!
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