Sunday, April 04, 2010

A Vist to Windsoe Castle (March 20)

After taking a few days to settle in, we visited one of our favorite local spots - Windsor Castle. They updated the hardware for the audio guides since last summer, and the ear-buds made it MUCH easier to listen while corralling 3 kids (as opposed to a unit you have to continually hold to your ear).

The Queen was at home at the castle when we visited, as evidenced by her banner flying from the top of the Round Tower as opposed to the Union Jack.

After touring the State Rooms (and the Semi-State rooms which are not open in the summer so we had never seen it), we stopped for a little snack.

Before going home for the kids naps, we stopped to say hi and bye to the guard at the front guard station.

A very lovely visit to the castle, and doubtless the first of many on this spring adventure.
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1 comment:

amy in peru said...

I think they're not supposed to smile? I wonder how much their hats weigh?

amy in peru